Finding Files - Part Two
In part one I gave an overview of the more fundamental features of find. Here, I’ll go over how we can incorporate regular expressions.
Regular expressions are one of those skills that you’ll end up using throughout of your career, from using in a bash script, BGP route manipulation or filtering, or a simple grep.
One of the features that makes find awesome is its ability to incorporate regular expressions, to create granular search patterns.
Finding Files - Part One
When using Linux you’ll come to use a certain group of tools daily. In your tool bag you’ll no doubt have a worn grep, a shiny sed, a beat up awk, and a collection of other well used tools. One of my personal favourites is find.
Find allows us to pinpoint a specific file by name, or by a certain characteristic. We can link these search options together to work with very granular patterns to match against.
Single Area OSPF Deployment on Linux
Though Linux is usually thought of as a server OS. It has huge amount of other implementations from embedded systems, the world of IOT, the mobile phone sector, and we’re all still waiting for the year of the Linux Desktop(sure it’ll be this year). But a function that is often over looked is the available routing protocol suite that eanbles linux to function as a router.
The routing protocol suite started off as a project called Zebra, which after becoming discontinued morphed into Quagga Routing Software. We’ll be using FRRouting, which is a project that has been forked from Qugga, and is under active development.